Anny and I took this picture a few days ago on one of our evening walks out of the village.
Alright actually it was my phone, but Anny was the one who spotted the opportunity for a picture and took it! To be honest I was just enjoying the view!
The local farmers spend many hard months ploughing, seeding, watering, nurturing and finally realising a crop such as this. It takes months of hard work and effort with a great deal of risk for an unknown potential reward. Anyone who has watched Clarkson’s Farm on Amazon Prime in recent years have really had their eyes opened to the harsh realities of farming and, but for Jeremy Clarkson’s tomfoolery, it would paint a very tough picture.
Unlike the picture above that is truly beautiful don’t you think?
My experience in recent years is that many put in the equivalent process and hard work in their business, in the main with a blind faith that it will be successful. To be truthful, in business no one has a magic spell or silver bullet that guarantees success. Even with all the hard work in the world, it can prove fruitless.
Yet, as you know when reading my weekly missives, we all have a right to find ways to fill our fridge…
Even more so to be paid our True Worth don’t you think?
One of the interesting points of Clarkson’s Farm is that whilst Jeremy can have moments of madness, he also seeks knowledge from those who have experience. In his case the land agent Charlie Ireland or his ever-suffering farm manager Kaleb Cooper for instance.
Jeremy might not always listen, but he does in his own way, value their thoughts and as we know, the one thing, he isn’t, is stupid! After all, whilst he might be new to farming his success in the media and TV in general has been considerable and made him a wealthy man.
He knows his TRUE WORTH!
I have done many things in business, and occasionally I have been successful! Most of the time however, I have simply kept slugging away and listened and learned from as many people as possible.
Then owned up to the plethora of mistakes I have made so others don’t have to follow in my battered footsteps!
As you might have noticed it was my birthday recently (another excuse for chocolate) and on reflection that day, it was obvious to me that my knowledge is my main source of income.
It made sense therefore that I looked at producing programmes that others can learn from that are simple to access, full of real experience and in bite size chunks.
And at an affordable price.
So for that reason I have created the first of a series of video-based programmes: Building a Thriving Family Business.
The programme is designed to help you with the life long quest of working with Clients who Appreciate YOU, are GREAT to Work with and Pay Your True Worth!
The details are HERE, and it is easy to find simply click on the info.
However, can I ask a favour?
The programme is going to be formally released in a few days’ time at £97 which I think is terrific value. However I really do want to see what people think and gain feedback which I would appreciate.
Therefore, for now, dear readers of this weekly missive, the programme is set at £19.97 for the next few days. If you are happy to, please do take on the course. It contains a lot of my best stuff and is all based upon experience, not theory or promises of wild profits in a nano second!
Thanks, in anticipation so do take a look.
Go on you know you want to :)
Until the next time…