it's all about family

it's all about business

it's all about people

it's all about clients


Building a Thriving Family Business...


🀦‍♂️ Are you struggling to generate quality leads for your Family Business, no matter what you do?

πŸ˜” Are you posting Social Media content, attending loads of networking events but still no leads (there’s a reason why)?

❓ Would you like a simple, authentic system that actually works – exclusively for Family Firms?

I totally understand your frustration! And it’s not even your fault.

Having a Family Business is wonderful, but you must work in a different way to achieve the results you are searching for.

I was in your shoes, frustrated with social media and endless poor networking events with no results… and even gave up at one point.

But when I finally cracked the challenge, I obtained the Family Business I always wanted enabling me to fill the fridge , sleep at night and work with those clients I Know, Like and Trust.

And now, I mainly work with family businesses showing them the secrets I uncovered so that my system can start working for them too…

…and I’d love to help you crack the challenge for you and your family.

Having worked with businesses around the globe 🌍 I realised there are 3 main challenges you and others have when generating leads for a Family Business:

❌ Working with clients that have a poor attitude and are terrible to create a relationship with
❌ Providing a service to people who don’t value you or your contribution
❌ Constantly haggling over the price and payment

To solve these challenges, I teach a simple 5 step system that helps you:

βœ”οΈ Understand the type of Ideal Client you really want
βœ”οΈ Create and maintain a Reputation that attracts Ideal Clients
βœ”οΈ Put the right strategy in place to get your ideal clients wanting to talk with you

It's called πŸ’ͺ🏼 Building a Thriving Family Business πŸ’ͺ🏼 and it shows you how to create and maintain a successful Family Business

Here's actual results from some of my clients πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ

πŸ† One of my clients, an Insurance Broker was unhappy with the type of transactional business they were generating. Within weeks they pivoted into a Relationship based business attracting their ideal clients and on a long-term basis

πŸ† Another client of mine, a web development company, created a completely different working environment that closed thousands of pounds of business within 4 weeks of working with me.

πŸ† And another client, a commercial cleaning business, went from a £60,000 profit to closing multiple deals worth over £242,000 within 9 months.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Would you like to receive similar results? πŸ‘ˆπŸΌ

“I don't think there's another speaker in the world that knows more about family businesses (in other words most businesses) than Peter Roper. He is a rare talent on stage, delivers great advice, and is the most charming and likeable man on and off stage. I recommend him unreservedly.” Alan Stevens

“I've been privileged to attend Peter's Family Business Practice events over the last couple of years and they are amazing events. Peter's energy is stunning and his dedication to helping family businesses and their owners is without measure.

If you've not had the chance to speak to Peter, take one of his courses, or attend one of his events then I highly recommend it. Really appreciate everything you do and thank you.” Dave James

There are TWO OPTIONS:



Get in touch:See how at the bottom of the page.



Take my new course!

Building a Thriving Family Business:Attract Clients who Appreciate YOU, are GREAT to Work with and PAY YOUR TRUE WORTH! 

Which is both time and budget friendly!

Here is an idea of what we cover which are all simple short video clips supported with a workbook and audio prompts.

Five modules, seventeen subjects all packed with tried, tested and proven ideas to help your family business grow.

Module 1: Family Dynamics and Business Success
Subject 1: Navigating Family Relationships in Business
Balancing family and business roles
Managing conflicts
Establishing boundaries
Subject 2: Succession Planning and Futureproofing
Developing a succession plan
Preparing the next generation for leadership
Ensuring long-term sustainability
Subject 3: Leveraging Family Strengths
Identifying and utilising family member strengths
Building a collaborative environment
Celebrating successes together 
Module 2: Understanding Your Ideal Client
Subject 4: Defining Your Ideal Client
Identifying ideal clients' characteristics
Understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points
Creating detailed client personas
Subject 5: Market Research and Analysis
Conducting effective market research
Analysing industry trends and client behaviour
Using tools and techniques for gathering insights
Subject 6: Aligning Business Values with Client Expectations
Communicating family business values
Building a brand that resonates with clients
Learning from case studies of successful family businesses
Module 3: Building a Magnetic Brand
Subject 7: Crafting a Compelling Value Proposition
Defining unique value offered by your business
Differentiating from competitors
Crafting a clear value proposition
Subject 8: Effective Branding Strategies
Developing a consistent brand identity
Creating a memorable brand story
Using visual and verbal branding techniques
Subject 9: Online Presence and Digital Marketing
Building a strong online presence
Leveraging SEO and content marketing
Implementing digital advertising strategies
Module 4: Delivering Exceptional Client Experience
Subject 10: Customer Service Excellence
Training for exceptional service
Implementing customer feedback loops
Creating a client-centric culture
Subject 11: Building Long-Term Client Relationships
Strategies for client retention
Personalising client interactions
Turning clients into brand advocates
Subject 12: Managing Client Expectations
Setting clear expectations
Transparent communication
Ensuring client satisfaction
Module 5: Valuing Your Services Right
Subject 13: Understanding Your True Worth
Assessing the value of your services
Importance of pricing strategies
Understanding psychological aspects of pricing
Subject 14: Pricing Strategies for Profitability

Exploring different pricing models
Setting prices that reflect your value
Handling price objections
Subject 15: Communicating Your Value

Articulating benefits and ROI
Educating clients on your value proposition
Maintaining confidence in pricing negotiations
Subject 17: Testimonials and Referrals

Highlighting feedback from previous clients
Leveraging testimonials to attract new clients
Using testimonials to validate the programme’s value




Listen to what I have to say in the brief video below and then get in touch with a direct message below for a thirty minute complimentary consulation...

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All the best...


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