The last few days have been challenging.
We had a funeral last week for close family.
It meant several trips to airports to collect and deliver family members which was tiring.
Lovely to see them of course, but still tiring.
I caught man flu (perhaps its covid who knows these days?) thereafter.
Because of events and this lurgy, I have found it very difficult to concentrate on business, especially when individual approaches made to me in recent weeks are (with just a couple of notable exceptions) following a pattern…
They are absolute experts, with lots of pictures with them on stages with a microphone (headsets naturally) selling courses for LinkedIn, You Tube and of course the latest big seller AI (Artificial Intelligence).
I cannot believe how many people are suddenly experts in this field (funnily enough they are the same people who were experts in several previous fields, what a surprise).
All have the same approach using advertising links to promote the latest course, mastermind or programme.
The sales pitches are increasingly slick and increasingly frequent.
Yet to me they have only been around for five minutes.
When I got into the speaking business some twenty-eight years ago the experts I learned from had walked the hard miles, produced substantive content and practiced what they preached. Certainly, my offering is based upon twenty-eight years of demonstrable effort, a body of work including publications, best-selling books, countless speeches, presentations and measurable success with awards to prove the effort.
I have this horrible feeling most of the new breed of experts are simply using AI, Chat GPT etc to create some simple content and then promote it as new and unique.
Can we all remember that Chat GPT gets the content from….US! The creators of the content in the first place!
And that’s the rub isn’t it.
The one thing they all have is a slick selling process (which I have to say outwardly seems to work very well) however there is one thing missing and it’s a big one.
They just want to close the sale and it’s like going back to the eighties…
I must be honest here that’s why I am really confused.
This bombardment has made me question the very things I have been working on in recent times.
Should my prospects and clients be bombarded with this glitzy sell from me as well?
Are they attracted to a shiny penny process, and should I follow suit?
I’m not sure what prospects and client’s want from me right now?
I have a suspicion they don’t know themselves in the main because of this bombardment of pitching from the world and his wife.
It makes me wonder what I should really be offering clients, in what form and to who.
Many years ago, a wise mentor said to me “Peter if you don’t know, ask your clients and friends and they will tell you!”
SO… Here is the BIG question:
What Do You Need Help with Right Now?
And yes, I am asking for a friend.
Drop me a note, email, call etc and I will see if I can either help or steer you in the right direction.
I really do want to know!
Please get in touch and help me to understand what is really needed right now!
Go on you know you want to!
Until the next time…