What works for you to keep your resolve?

What works for you to keep your resolve?

The last couple of weeks have been a blur.

September is always the time business revs up and currently we are launching all manner of new things – all very positive and exciting.

But at home in the evening having had the Olympics a couple of weeks back we have been fully ensconced into ten days of unadulterated joy and heartbreak watching the Paralympics.

It has been nothing short of sensational for Team GB winning so many medals and of so many colours, however just watching the abilities of these extraordinary athletes has made our hearts sing win or lose…

I could spend a week at least suggesting outstanding achievements however the swimmer Brock Whiston stood out for me. In the individual medley she literally won on the last stroke in a superb overall race. The look of joy on her face simply floating on her back realising she had won in her first Paralympics was very, very special.

The legacy of London 2012 for Paralympians was a game changer and took the overall movement forward. Paris in 2024 has helped take a further leap for the sport and we all embrace the aim of showing disability in sport can be a method of true acceptance in life.

In this short clip watch how, Team GB won TWELVE Gold medals on Day4 and especially look at the joy on Brock's face, it summed things up for me… CLICK HERE.

I don’t know about you, certainly I need regular injections of positivity and adrenalin against a world intent on telling us how bad things are (or is that just our politicians!).

It gives me the impetus to renew my efforts to achieve what I set out to do in business and life.

Sport usually does it for me or of course family moments!

How about you?

What works for you to keep your resolve?

Let me know.

Until next time …


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